
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

American Idol apparently still on TV

"We lack relevance!"

Out of the seven years American Idol has been on the air, the ratings powerhouse has finally hit a speed bump scoring its lowest scores ever this season. While columnists attribute the decline to predictability, uninteresting contestants, and out-of-date song choices, it appears everyone is missing one crucial point: Maybe we're just getting older.

When American Idol first had its premiere I was 17. I sat glued to my television as I cheered on Ryan Starr and Tamyra Gray while eating McStuffins (Whatever happened to those?). But now, at 22, I have completed my transformation into a dry, cynical adult. Get off my lawn, American Idol!

But for those sitting out this season, they unfortunately missed out on this. Fast forward to 3:27.

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