
Monday, May 5, 2008

Because people can't get enough of lists

This week The AV Club compiled a list of the top 17 disturbing, provocative directors working today, and surprisingly, the list is kinda on point. The list includes many well-known cult favorites, such as Harmony Korine, Takashi Miike and John Waters. Good show, AV Club! Good show! But I still think they're missing a few. Here are a couple I think should join the list:

Shinya Tsukamoto
Tsukamoto no longer makes movies like Tetsuo. The extremity of his films might have cooled down in recent years, but Tsukamoto's bold and daring approach to controversial subject manner always keeps him interesting.

Sion Sono
Most known for his film where 50 school girls simultaneously jump in front of a subway train, the director of Suicide Club has gone on to direct other squirm-ish affairs, such as Strange Circus, a movie so bizarre, I don't know how to describe it.

Larry Clark
Mostly known for Kids, the cautionary tale about teen sex, Larry Clark has built a reputation for himself as being the creepy old guy who's always making films about teen sex. A Google image search of his name retrieves all kinds of creepy results. Seriously, try it.

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